Twentynine Palms High School Athletics

TPHS Coat of Arms

Athletic Director

Mr. Joshua Art

Phone: (760) 367-9591
Fax: (760) 367-0747

The Athletic Director oversees all competitive sports programs and cheerleading for Twentynine Palms High School. Students interested in participating in a sport should contact the Coach before the season begins.

Athletes and prospective athletes need to listen to the announcements or view daily announcements on the homepage of the website for team meeting dates and times.

Slider is playing
TPHS cheer

Check Our Stats:

Click the link above to check out the stats for our Varsity, JV, and Freshman teams.

Coaches Information

Current and Prospective Coaches:


Prior to the First Practice

Each student athlete participating in any athletic program and cheerleading MUST complete the athletic clearance requirements. Refer to the information below.

NEW Online Clearance

  1. Create an account or log in to a pre-existing account at

  2. Complete the online clearance

  3. Turn in the doctor portion of the physical form to the high school


  1. Parent permission to participate

  2. Evidence of a cleared physical examination for the current school year

  3. Evidence that adequate accident insurance coverage for the student is provided by the parent/guardian

The school does not provide or sell accident coverage.

Not Insured?

To purchase Insurance go to

Enroll, then print the confirmation page.

Football Players must choose the Interscholastic Tackle Football Accident Plan


Transfer Students

Incoming transfer students are eligible to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities if, on the date the student transfers:

  • The athlete met the eligibility requirements of the school from which he/she transferred.

  • The athlete has no more than one failing grade ("F") in the previous grading period,

  • The athlete has maintained the minimum progress toward meeting high school graduation requirements. 

The transfer athlete must meet additional requirements. For details, contact the Athletic Director.

Morongo USD Board Policy 6145

To be eligible to participate in extracurricular and cocurricular activities, students in grades 7-12 must demonstrate satisfactory educational progress in the previous grading period, including, but not limited to: (Education Code 35160.5)

 1. Maintenance of a minimum of 2.0 grade point average on a 4.0 scale in all enrolled classes

2. Maintenance of minimum progress toward meeting high school graduation requirements

3. No more than one failing grade ("F") in the previous grading period

Any decision regarding the eligibility of any child in foster care or a child of an active duty military family for extracurricular or cocurricular activities shall be made by the Superintendent or designee in accordance with Education Code 48850 and 49701. 

The Superintendent or designee may revoke a student's eligibility for participation in extracurricular and cocurricular activities when the student's poor citizenship is serious enough to warrant loss of this privilege.

Eligibility Probation

A student who finds that he/she is academically ineligible to participate in co-curricular and extra-curricular activities is entitled to a one-time probationary period of nine (9) weeks. The student will be permitted to participate in extra-curricular and co-curricular activities during the probationary period.

If, at the conclusion of the nine (9) week period he/she has maintained at least a 2.0 total GPA, he/she has no more than one (1) failing "F" grade, and he/she maintained at least the minimum progress toward meeting high school graduation requirements, he/she will be deemed fully eligible to participate in all co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Every student who successfully completes his/her probationary period, as described above, maintains full eligibility for the entire grading period. A student may use only one nine-week probation throughout his/her high school enrollment.

Prior to the First Try-Out

Each student athlete must complete the following steps:

  1. Parent permission to participate (in AthleticClearance)

  2. Evidence of a cleared physical examination for the current school year (in AthleticClearance)

  3. Evidence of adequate accident insurance coverage for the student athlete (in Athletic Clearance)

  4. Signed concussion form (in AthleticClearance)

  5. Athletes must have a 2.0 GPA, no more than one "F", and be on track to graduate. (from the last grading period.)

To calculate your GPA do the following:

  • Next to each of your grades from your last report card, give them a point value. (A=4 | B=3 | C=2 | D=1 | F=0)

  • Add up the points earned (X) and divide by the number of classes (6). (X/6)

  • This is your GPA and must be a 2.0 or higher.

  • No more than one F.

Where are Try-Outs and Practices held?

*Please note that coaches may need to change the location on occasion


  • Cross Country - On Campus

  • Football - Field On Campus

  • Girls Tennis - Courts On Campus

  • Volleyball - Gym


  • Basketball - Gym

  • Soccer - JR Field/Field On Campus


  • Baseball - Field On Campus

  • Golf - Roadrunner Dunes

  • Softball - Luckie Park Fields

  • Swimming - Luckie Park Pool

  • Boys Tennis - Tennis Courts On Campus

  • Track - Track

CIF Concussion Information


California Interscholastic Federation

Click the image to the left to access the link to CIF's protocols regarding concussions,

This website also includes links to the training course, and forms for notifications, symptoms, and letters to physicians.

The bottom of the page also includes resources for concussions in student athletes.