STUDENTS:   Today is a full day schedule. School is out at 2:00 pm.

Effective immediately, any students who exits a school bus either stopped or in motion by jumping out of a window or opening the rear emergency exit door in a non-emergency situation or unless otherwise authorized by the driver, will automatically have their bus riding privileges revoked for the period of time equal to one full semester. This bus privilege suspension will include transportation to and from school, site to site, sports, field trips, and any other extracurricular activities involving the use of MUSD transportation services. Riding the school bus is a privilege not a right.

STUDENTS, if you received a Federal Survey card and have not turned it in, please make sure to get it turned in this week. If you lost it, please come to the Office to get another one. It must be completed and signed by your parent.

ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: Senior Portraits continue today in Frakes Hall from 3:00 pm-7:00 pm. See Mr. Sanchez in L6 with any questions. Underclassmen portraits are being taken during English class, sophomores- Wednesday, November 1, and juniors- Thursday, November 2.

SATURDAY SCHOOL:   Our next   Saturday School of the year is scheduled for Saturday, November 4. Four hours of Saturday School will clear one full day absence. As a reminder 9 or more unexcused absences in any classes will result in no credit for that class. Please sign-up in the attendance office or scan one of the Saturday School Posters on campus.

EARLY REGISTRATION for Tri-Valley Little League begins November 1 through November 30. Regular registration begins December 1 through January 12. Flyers available in the Office.


THE WRESTLING TEAM is looking for students that want to join. Stop by the Wrestling Room after school and talk to Coach Francis or Coach Larry! If you are interested you can also talk to Coach Francis in the morning in G-8 and in the afternoon in Q-2. No prior experience necessary. All weight classes and body types are welcome. We are especially looking for girls of any grade to join us. Join us as we build the best-ever girls wrestling team on campus!

IF YOU ARE PLANNING to wrestle or interested in wrestling there is a parent meeting this Friday, November 3 in the lecture hall at 5:00 pm.

Varsity Football CIF Playoffs November 3 @ home @ 7:00 pm.