Today is an early release day. Students get out at 12:30 pm.
STAFF AND STUDENTS: Be sure to scan the QR codes found around campus to purchase your CIF Playoff ticket for this Friday's game. There will be no cash taken at the gate. All spectators must have a GoFan ticket to enter.
SATURDAY SCHOOL: Our next Saturday School of the year is scheduled for Saturday, December 2. Four hours of Saturday School will clear one full day absence. As a reminder 9 or more unexcused absences in any classes will result in no credit for that class. Please sign-up in the attendance office or scan one of the Saturday School Posters on campus.
THERE WILL BE A BLOOD DRIVE ON December 7. Sign-ups begin on Blood Drive begin on November 6 during both lunches.
EARLY REGISTRATION for Tri-Valley Little League is available through November 30. Regular registration begins December 1 through January 12. Flyers available in the Office.
STUDENTS, GET READY for the pickleball match of the century. Mr Rauch & Mrs Wright against Mr Sanchez and Mr Wright. Come support in front of the gym on Friday the 17.
THE YUCCA VALLEY WRESTLING TEAM is inviting athletes to join us for the winter wrestling season. No prior experience necessary. All weight classes and body types are welcome. We are especially looking for girls of any grade to join us. Join us as we build the best-ever girls wrestling team on campus!
IT IS TIME to watch your YVHS wrestling team go head to head. Come watch the wrestling team first match of the season in our annual Black and Gold Thursday, November 9 right after school in the gym, cost for students is $5.
Varsity Football vs. Buena Park @ Yucca Valley @ 7:00 pm on Friday, November 10.