Welcome to Bob Anaya on his first day as a teacher here at Yucca Valley High School.

SATURDAY SCHOOL:   Our next   Saturday School of the year is scheduled for Saturday, December 2. Four hours of Saturday School will clear one full day absence. As a reminder 9 or more unexcused absences in any classes will result in no credit for that class. Please sign-up in the attendance office or scan one of the Saturday School Posters on campus.

THERE WILL BE A BLOOD DRIVE ON December 7. Sign-ups begin on  Blood Drive begin on November 6 during both lunches.

EARLY REGISTRATION for Tri-Valley Little League is available through November 30. Regular registration begins December 1 through January 12. Flyers available in the Office.


STUDENTS, GET READY for the pickleball match of the century. Mr Rauch & Mrs Wright against Mr Sanchez and Mr Wright. Come support in front of the gym on Friday the 17.