FINALS: Today we are on a Finals Schedule, Period 4/5, 6 and 7. Lunch: 11:14 to 11:58.

GOOD MORNING! Beginning January 22, all students must have their physical school ID card or a scannable picture of their ID card on their phone to use the laptops in the library. All student desktop computers will be removed and laptops will be the only source of computer available. Laptops will be checked out from the Librarian at the Library Circulation Desk. Please note, students being sent on a pass, during class time, will need their student ID card as well. If you do not have a school ID card, you must get one from the ASB office prior to using a laptop. Thank you!

ATTENTION ALL SENIORS: Senior quotes are due by Thursday, February 1. This is your chance to shout out friends, share memories, and leave a lasting impression on your school community. A link to the form was emailed to you via email. Please submit your form before the deadline. If you have any questions, please see Mr. Sanchez in L6.

YUCCA VALLEY HIGH SCHOOL holding an ASB leadership clinic January 27 from 9:00 am. to 12:00 pm. Grades 4-12 are welcome to attend and sign-ups are via instagram at yvhs_asb. Students will learn how to be a leader through fun group activities and what to expect to do at YVHS ASB! GoTrojans!

SATURDAY SCHOOL:  Our next Saturday School is scheduled for Saturday, January 27. Four hours of Saturday School will clear one full day absence. As a reminder, 9 or more unexcused absences in any classes will result in no credit for that class. Please sign up in the attendance office or scan one of the Saturday School Posters on campus.

THE ASVAB aptitude test will be given again on February 6 from 7:00 am. to 11:22 am. For more information or to sign up ask your teacher about the ASVAB flier. You can scan the QR code or sign up in the Counseling Office.


BOYS, DO YOU WANT TO PLAY VOLLEYBALL? Buff Puff sign ups begin January 12 and end January 24! Teams will be assigned and practices will be at coaches’ discretion. The games will be on March 6 from 2-5! Sign up now!

THE YUCCA VALLEY LADY TROJAN Varsity Basketball team took control of first place in the Desert Valley League scoring a 69-36 home victory over the third place 29 Palms Wildcats on Wednesday night in the annual Battle of the Ball contest. With the win the Yucca girls took a 5-1 overall series lead in the 6th annual Morongo Basin Rotary Clubs sponsored game.

JV Boys Basketball vs. Coachella Valley @ home @ 4:00 pm.                                                                                              Varsity Boys Basketball vs. Coachella Valley @ home @ 5:30 pm.                                                                                JV Girls Basketball @ Coachella Valley @ 4:00 pm.                                                                                                                       Varsity Girls Basketball @ Coachella Valley @ 5:30 pm.                                                                                                             JV Girls Soccer @ Coachella Valley @ 4:00 pm.                                                                                                                                    Varsity Girls Soccer @ Coachella Valley @ 5:30 pm.