SATURDAY SCHOOL:   Our next   Saturday School of the year is scheduled for Saturday, May 11. 4 hours of Saturday School will clear one full day absence. As a reminder 9 or more unexcused absences in any classes will result in no credit for that class. Please sign-up in the attendance office or scan one of the Saturday School Posters on campus.

STAFF AND STUDENTS, TPP will be hosting our Spring Blood Drive here on campus tomorrow. Come save a life! Permission slips are due now in the Library.

IF YOU HAVE A MUSICAL TALENT you want to show off, this is your chance! The YVHS garage band is now holding auditions to showcase students’ abilities. If interested, please drop by room H1 after school on either Tuesdays or Thursdays.

CLASH OF CLANS meets on Thursdays in L-7 right after school. Come join the highest ranked clan in YVHS.


PROM CONTRACTS are now available in the ASB office.

IF YOU MISSED THE JOSTENS Cap and Gown delivery you can pick your order in ASB at lunch. ACCE students can pick them up them up in the office. You must have already ordered one and have your student ID to pick up.

IF YOU HAVE NOT YET ORDERED your cap and gown, you can order them at until May 10.


ATTENTION ALL BASKETBALL PLAYERS: Copper Mountain College would like to invite you to come and join the team to play against the low desert. You can also attend to watch the game. Contact Coach Malecki at CMC.