Counseling is no longer accepting schedule change forms. To sign up to see your counselor, please stop by the attendance window before and after school, passing periods or lunch to sign up to see your counselor and a call slip will be sent. Students: please check your synergy mail and StudentVue daily for schedule changes and/or updates from your counselors.
Back to School Night will be held on August 27 from 5:00 until 7:00.
Hey everyone! Music club will be starting soon on Tuesdays and Thursdays - after school from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Come by and give it a try are looking for singers, students to play instruments and learn some audio. Also, helping to set up and break down equipment. We're looking forward to seeing you! Come on by and a good time with the Garage Band
Football is looking for water girls for Varsity and JV. See Coach Johnson if you are interested.
This is YVHS Wrestling Recruitment month and we have practice on Wednesdays and Thursdays.
The Cross-Country team is looking more runners. If you like running and are interested in cross country, please talk to Coach Francis in G-8, either before school, during 2nd lunch, or right after school.