STUDENTS: There is no school Monday, November 11 in observance of Veteran’s Day.
Seniors! Jostens has been rescheduled for November 14 during your lunch to order Cap & Gowns.
Students who received a green Federal Survey card and have not returned them, they have been sent to the District Office. You still need to turn them in. If you need a new one, please come to the front desk and pick up a new one. I am continuing to call parents, so please turn them in ASAP.
Hey Trojans! Junior class is selling Trojan theme blankets, $35 with ASB and $40 without! Check out the ASB Office to get yourself one and help support your juniors to pay for prom!
GSA True Colors meets every Thursday in V-2 after school. Come and hang out with likeminded people.
Any students that would like to join Boys Tennis in the Spring. Please contact coach Le in G-4.
The Golf team will be holding an open practice for all freshman and sophomore underclassmen who are interested in playing golf in the spring. This will take place at Hawks Landing on Wednesday at 2:00 pm. Interested players who can't attend can contact Coach Johnson.
Athletes trying out for basketball need to have physicals uploaded to the Freshman and JV boys' tryouts will be held November 7 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm in the gym. Varsity boys' tryouts will be November 13 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm.
Wrestling season has started! If you want to wrestle it is not too late. You need to have gotten a sports physical and filled out the athletic clearance form online. If you have any questions contact Coach Francis in room G-8 or come talk to Coach Francis or Coach Larry in the wrestling room after school.