Students, as we move towards warmer weather, here is a reminder of the YVHS Dress Code:

1. No headwear including hoodies up or sunglasses are to be worn in the classroom; this includes caps/hats that are part of a uniform for athletic events.

2. No bandanas or paraphernalia associated with gang affiliation or activity. Bandanas not affiliated with gang activity are permitted.

3. The waist area of the torso must show no more than one inch of skin. No see-through clothing may be worn and no excessive cleavage shall be exposed.

4. No tube tops, off the shoulder apparel, or strapless garments will be permitted. Shoes must be worn at all times. No metal reinforced shoes (steel-toed boots).

5. Skirts and short pants must be long enough to cover the cheeks of the buttocks and undergarments while the student is sitting or bending over.

6. No over-sized sagging, no undersized tight pants (skinny jeans) or shorts that expose the buttocks or underwear. Pants and shorts will be worn at the waist.

7. No spikes, chains, inappropriate belt buckles, safety pins or other potentially hazardous accessories.

8. No baseball batting gloves, MMA-style gloves, or any other type of glove that is identified with violence or fighting. Gloves should not be worn unless in the case of inclement weather.

9. No apparel or possessions that depict, display, or contain inappropriate messages:

a. No hate or gang symbols.

b. No references to illegal drugs, tobacco, or alcohol.

c. No profane or sexually explicit messages or images.

d. No naked silhouettes or photographs or nudity or sexual images.

e. No depictions of weapons or violence.

10. Tattoos containing illegal drugs, tobacco or alcohol must be covered at all times.

11. No undergarments may be worn as outerwear.

Senior Class is hosting Valentines Grams and Carnations. $2 for a candy bag, $3 for Carnations. They will be available to purchase in front of the ASB office February 10 through 12 and will be delivered February 13 during 7 period.

Sign up for the YVHS Singing Group, don’t miss out! Are you ready to be part of something exciting? The YVHS Singing Group is now accepting sign-ups for the upcoming season! Whether you’re looking to connect with others, learn new skills, or just have fun, this is the perfect opportunity for you! Sign up Tuesdays at 2:10 pm. See Deion in H-1 if you have questions.


Senior excursion will be held on March 7. Permission slips are available in ASB office and are due February 13.


Any Boys who want to play tennis, please see Mr. Le after school by the tennis court and practices will start at 2:15 pm after school.

Baseball tryouts: Tuesday, February 18 through Thursday, February 20th from 3:00 pm to 4:30 pm on the baseball field. Students must have current physicals and a Home Campus Clearance to participate.