School Site Council
School Site Council
FHES SSC meets the last Thursday of the month in the library of Friendly Hills Elementary school. This is an advisory group that looks to assist the school in making decisions in the use of Title 1 monies and the SPSA. “The school site council develops the School Plan for Student Achievement for programs funded through the consolidated application. A school that operates a categorical program funded through the consolidated application (ConApp) shall establish a school site council (SSC) if such program requires a School Plan for Student Achievement (SPSA) (California Education Code [EC] Section 65000[b]).”
The SSC shall develop the content of the SPSA (EC Section 64001[g][1]). The SPSA shall be reviewed annually and updated, including proposed expenditure of funds allocated to the school through the ConApp and the local control and accountability plan (LCAP), if any, by the SSC (EC Section 64001[i]).
The SSC in an elementary school shall be composed of both the following two groups (EC Section 65000[c][1]):
School Group Members (Elementary Schools):
The principal of the school or his or her designee.
School personnel employed at the school who are not teachers, selected by school personnel employed at the school who are not teachers, and
Classroom teachers employed at the school, selected by classroom teachers employed at the school; The classroom teachers selected shall constitute a majority of the school members selected (EC Section 65000[c][1][A]); and
Parent and/or Community Group Members (Elementary Schools):
Parents of pupils attending the school, or other members of the school community, selected by parents of pupils attending the school. The number of parent and/or community members selected shall equal the number of school members selected (EC Section 65000[c][1][B]).
A school with a population of fewer than 300 pupils may operate a SSC that has the representation of all of the following:
One principal
One teacher, selected by the teachers
One school staff member representing the other school personnel, selected by the other school personnel
If the school is an elementary school, three parents or community members selected by parents, or if the school is a secondary school, two parents or community members selected by parents and one pupil selected by the pupils (EC Section 65001[d][1])
In other words, the minimum number of SSC members for schools with fewer than 300 pupils is a total of six (6) (e.g. 1 principal, 1 teacher, 1 school staff, 3 parents/community members or pupils). Additionally, the local governing board or body of the LEA shall obtain approval from its local bargaining unit, if applicable (EC Section 65001[d][2]).
The name of this committee shall be the Friendly Hills Elementary School Based Management Council.
The purpose of this council shall be to:
1.Serve as a liaison between parents, staff and students to enhance communication and increase the school’s effectiveness through a shared decision-making model.
Develop and implement school procedures, review staff development to improve instruction and review safety and disaster procedures based on board policies, employee associations and education code.
Assist in the writing and implementation of the school improvement plan (SIP) review school accountability information and the program quality review (PQR).
Develop, review and approve expenditures from the following categorical or site budgets, including SIP, Title I, GATE and Block Grants.
Assume other roles and areas of responsibility as required or deemed necessary by the council.
Section 1. The council shall be composed of the principal and representatives of: Certificated staff elected by certificated staff at the site, classified staff elected by classified staff at the site and parents of pupils attending the school and/or community members elected by said parents.
The council shall be constituted of no more than 12 members, consisting of:
the principal, 3 classroom teachers, the MTA representative and one classified employee.
5 parents or other community members
staff and parents should be equal in number
Classroom teachers shall comprise the majority of those persons representing school staff. If possible, primary and upper grades should be represented.
Section 2. All members shall have an equal vote with the exception of the principal who is a consultant to the committee.
Section 3. Resignations will be accepted upon written notice to the chairperson. A temporary replacement will be appointed within 30 days by a simple majority of the council. (Alternates will be considered first). Replacement will serve out remainder of said term.
Section 4. Members shall serve for two years or until their successors are elected. Members may be re-elected for two successive terms.
Section 5. Membership should be staggered so that only half the members leave vacancies each year.
Section 6. Election of members and alternates shall be made by ballot. All elections shall take place by June 1st. New officers will assume duties at the first meeting in September.
Section 7. Each member will represent a constituency as assigned by the council.
The officers of this council shall be chairperson and secretary. Other committees may be appointed and disbanded as needed for SBMC projects or goals. These offices shall be selected through paper ballot by members of the council. Candidates may be through nomination or volunteer.
Section 1. Meetings shall be held once a month or as needed during the school year.
Section 2. A simple majority of the membership shall constitute a quorum.
Section 3. No programs shall be implemented, no decisions carried out or monies spent without prior approval of a simple majority of the membership.
These by-laws may be amended at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of the membership.
Section 1. It shall be the duty of the chairperson to preside at all meetings and represent the group as the official spokesperson. The chairperson and secretary are responsible for dissemination of information. It is recommended that chairperson and principal consult prior to SBMC meetings.
Section 2. In the absence of the chairperson the council shall decide who will assume the duties of the chairperson.
Section 3. The secretary shall keep the minutes of all meetings and develop the agenda.
Section 4. The SBMC secretary shall notify members of meetings and/or agenda, attend to correspondence and send out publicity as directed.
Section 5. The front office shall provide a monthly report of budget updates.
It shall be the duty of all council members to:
Attend all monthly meetings within reason.
Members should notify the council if unable to attend. Failure to attend 3 consecutive meetings will result in council recommendation for resignation. Replacement will follow as outlined in III, Section 3.
Section 1. All officers shall be selected in committee meetings.
Section 2. Officers shall serve through June of the school year following the election.
Section 3. Officers shall assume their duties at the September meeting.
Section 4. Members may hold the same office for no more than two years. Elections for officers will be held each year in September.
Section 5. Should an officer resign before new elections are held, the committee shall select a member in good standing to assume the office until the next regular meeting when the vacancy shall be filled.
Robert Rules of Order shall informally govern this committee in all cases in which they are applicable and not in conflict with these by-laws. By-laws shall be supplied to all SBMC members. Entire staff input will be requested whenever possible.