Science Fair

It's never to early to start thinking about your science Fair project. Science Fair is normally held in February.
The categories are Collections (K-3), Demonstrations (K-3), Original Inventions (K-6) and Scientific Experiments (K-6).
Collections should demonstrate classification skills - a student's ability to group items.
This category is open to students in grades K-3 only.
Demonstrations show a process or how a machine works. They usually involve some sort of model with parts labeled and functions explained.
This category is open to students in grades K-3 only.
An Experiment is an investigation in which the steps of the Scientific Method are used: asking a question, doing research, formulating a hypothesis, performing an experiment, recording data, and forming a conclusion.
This category is open to all students in grades K-6.
Invention - This is the perfect category for the student who is constantly coming up with ideas for things that would make life a little easier, safer, or more fun. The invention must be an original one.
This category is open to all students in grades K-6.